Patterns created by for the Sisyphus table. Use freely, proper credit appreciated. Folder contains these files for all tracks *xx.thr : text file track the Sisyphus table can read xx suffixes are for cc, ce, ec, ee are used to identify the start-end location of the track (center-center, center-edge, etc.). That may be useful when creating playlists. *_graph.png : graph of the pattern *_60fps.mp4 : video of the track as graph, 60 frames per second capture; legend shows the point number *_table.jpg (optional) : picture of the completed pattern on the table *_table**.jpg (optional) : additional picture with relevant suffix Cheers! To upload tracks to your table, you need to connect to the table with a browser A. On my mac I simply access http://sisyphus.local:3001 (default address unless you changed it) 1. go to > Settings > Advanced > Upload Track 2. Select the file and click "Upload Track(s)" 3. After a while, you should see a preview of the track, but sometimes not... 4. Sometimes an error message appears ("Could not make request"), just click OK (usually twice) 5. Scroll down the white portion of the image to reveal the "Save" button and click it Your track should be the last one listed in Library>Tracks NOTE: as of Jan. 2019, I was only able to upload one track at-a-time. The track previews worked intermittently, but I was still able to play all the tracks. B. For windows, see instructions at and then follow steps 1-5 from A ablive For more info: I hope you enjoy your table as much as we do!